Belmont Village Senior Living maintains exceptional rate of 4% of ER visits resulting from falls during SafelyYou expansion

SafelyYou is a technology that scales easily and performs consistently. That was part of the experience for Belmont Senior Living during their expansion of SafelyYou into a total of  25 communities, as explained in our latest case study. They started with a three-month pilot of our AI-enabled fall detection and prevention technology in two communities and based on the success seen there—including reduction in ER visits resulting from falls—they chose to expand. 

While expanding SafelyYou across a total of 25 communities, Belmont Village maintained an exceptional rate of 4% of ER visits resulting from falls, compared to the industry standard of 17-25% 1 for those 80 and over. To see how it all came together, including a resident success story that shows SafelyYou in action, download our latest case study.

 1 Ashman JJ, Schappert SM, Santo L. Emergency department visits among adults aged 60 and over: United States, 2014–2017. NCHS Data Brief, no 367. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2020.

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