Highgate communities using SafelyYou during the pandemic go 126 days without an ER visit resulting from a fall

Our latest case study outlines how eight Highgate Senior Living communities made SafelyYou part of their safety plan in 2020—and went 126 days without an ER visit resulting from a fall. Reducing ER visits was critical during this time due to the risk of exposure to COVID-19. And while keeping residents safe and out of the ER is always a priority for Highgate, it became even more important during the pandemic. That’s why they chose SafelyYou.

Using our artificial intelligence-enabled video, staff was able to screen for injuries, determining if the resident had hit their head and reducing unnecessary trips to the ER. Video analysis with SafelyYou experts uncovers the what, why, and how of falls so the staff was able to develop care plans and immediately implement changes to prevent future falls for all residents. Using SafelyYou even helped build trust with families, because the community could explain exactly what had happened when a loved one was found on the floor.

This case study also outlines a resident success story—and how SafelyYou was used to discover the root cause of their falls and keep them out of the ER. Download it today to learn how we’re helping communities reduce ER visits, empower staff to provide better care, and more.

Ready to see how SafelyYou can help your communities?

The Inaugural

2022 State of
Falls Report

From Crisis to Opportunity:

Coming Together to Create

Transformative Change

Remove the guesswork from unwitnessed falls.

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