Falls May Rise as Assisted Living Residents Begin To Socialize
Assisted living residents have been isolated in their bedrooms, stopped participating in group activities, and have halted all visitation and outings off-campus due to COVID-19
Choosing the right metrics is critical to ensuring that your organization balances service quality, staff efficiency, and resident well-being. Read this blog to understand what metrics are critical to track, why they matter most, and which innovations can help you measure care accurately.
Assisted living residents have been isolated in their bedrooms, stopped participating in group activities, and have halted all visitation and outings off-campus due to COVID-19
What are the most common suggestions for older Americans who want to lower their risk of falling? Take an exercise or balance-building class. Go see
Mobility aids are necessary for many people living with dementia, but these helpful devices can actually increase the risk of falls. In fact, people with
This week, The New York Times examined a new study published in the medical journal JAMA, which found that “for people over 75, the rate of mortality from falls
Community images location: Belmont Village, L.P.
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