Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults. Fall prevention exercises that focus on balance and strength training can reduce the risk of falling.
These fall prevention exercises are especially important for those living with dementia because they fall four times as often as adults without dementia. While they may have difficulty learning new activities, those living with dementia can benefit from going through the motions of balance and strength training.
Fall Prevention Exercises
Activities such as squatting, standing up from a chair, and walking may be difficult or cause many to feel unsteady, which increases their risk of falling. So, people living with dementia must practice balance and strength training with a professional to ensure their safety.
If dementia care communities do offer this type of training, it is safest to have residents sit in a circle and do exercises from their chairs. This way, they can remain seated, view other residents for visual cues, and remain safe. For residents that are more mobile, they may stand with close supervision from care staff.Â
These fall prevention exercises go a long way in helping to strengthen muscles and improving cognition. Exercising also stimulates the brain, which is a clear benefit for those living with dementia.
Take the first step today: Examples of Fall Prevention Exercises
The secret to successful falls prevention is action. The following links provide an easy guide for sit and stand, balance and seated chair exercises which can be adapted for those living with dementia:
It’s never too late to start exercising!